Usually my mom and dad get mad when I leave the backyard. But the thing is, I am tricky and I have figured out that even when I climb over the fence and spend some time at the neighbors house, as long as I come back home and knock and meow at the front door, Mommy and JerJer are too proud of me to be mad. They are so weird.

The thing that really gets Mommy mad is when I jump up to the roof. I got stuck on the roof
again and she had to bring out the ladder to save me
again. I thought that maybe I had left my mousie-poo Sayid up on the roof. That was the only reason I went up there. Seriously.
It was just awful. After Mommy saved me this time she was so mad that she stopped talking to me and even stopped looking at me for the rest of the day. I HATE being ignored. I feel so sad when I am ignored. Thank goodness Daddy came home to help me write an apology note to Mommy. Here is a picture of me giving my mom the apology note.
Can you tell me what is so fun about climbing? I won't even follow my mom and dad when they climb upstairs to the attic. That is too scary for me. I can't even imagine a roof or trees!
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