JerJer makes the boxes.
I play in the boxes.
Mommy puts things in the boxes.
My job is the most important.
posted by Bella at 8:14 pm
I was born in New Orleans, Louisiana on January 21st, 2001. I met my mommy when I was 5 months old. We lived in Boulder, Colorado for a few months and then we moved to San Diego, California. My mommy used to take me on lots of road trips with her. I have been to many of the states in the US. One fun summer we lived in Santa Cruz, California. I have a lot of babysitters. I stayed with Aunt Stephanie and Aunt Becky for a few weeks in the OC. My mommy moved to Sydney, Australia in April, 2005. I got to stay with my grandma and grandpa in Redlands, California until I was allowed to move to Australia. In September, 2005, I moved to Sydney. I stayed at Camp Quarantine for a month when I first arrived in Sydney. Now I live with mommy and JerJer. JerJer is my dad. It is really cool to have a dad.