Wednesday, January 10, 2007

To each their own

I am a super nice girl and I usually make friends very easily. Sadly, I have come across a few people this week who don't seem to like me. They have been writing mean comments on my blog (see I am the Lizard Queen) and even blogging about me in their own blog: Lizard Master

I mean, believe me, their blogs are not exactly my can of tuna, but in an effort to be peaceful, I won't spend my time listing what horrifies me about them. Instead, I would like to reach out to these guys and invite them to my birthday party. I am turning 6 on January 21st but Mommy and JerJer have agreed that I am ready for my sweet 16. We are having a barbeque in our backyard. The theme is Pretty in Pink.

Matthew Cochrane and Lizard Master, I realise that you are in the states but please accept my sincere invitation to my birthday party. I hear that the flight to Sydney isn't too bad if you aren't in the cargo section of the airplane. Don't forget to get into the theme and wear something pink!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've seen what you do to lizards. I'll have to decline. Thank you. ---TLM

8:04 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Besides, Austrailia is like New Zealand's Canada. It's like the hairy dirty armpit of the southern hemisphere.

3:13 pm  
Blogger Bella said...

Hello (Lizard Master, I presume),

I don't mind you taking little stabs at Australia. I mean, people make fun of America all the time and I totally got used to that. The thing is, judging from your comment, I am not sure how much you actually understand about Australia and New Zealand.

This is a fun Australia lesson. Here Australia is pronounced pretty much without the beginning A and u.



P.S. I have really cute armpits.

12:03 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seriously, let me get this straight. You're blogging as your cat. Your cat is turning six, but you're throwing it a sweet sixteen birthday party. Your cat's party has a theme. And, if that's not enough, the theme is "pretty in pink." And you want me to come.

I think I got all that but I am going to have to decline as well. Why? Because you scare the hell out of me. I get the creeps just thinking about showing up and seeing somebody who thinks they're a cat or just pretends to be a cat or whatever. I find the whole thing creepy, so I'm not going to go (not to mention the time and money involved which makes the whole idea preposterous to begin with).

P.S. I wouldn't take the Lizard MAster up on his offer either. There's no way you handle the 50 lizards in a cage match.

P.S.S. I used to kind of like Australia, but I am quickly rethinking that position.

3:41 am  
Blogger Bella said...

Hi Matthew,

You have most of it right. My mom helps me with the typing. My paws are great for some things but not for typing.

Oh, and try not to judge Australia based on Mommy and me. Mommy and I are American, just like you! We moved to Australia to be with JerJer. It is really cool here. Let us know if you ever find yourself heading our way!



P.S. Stay tuned to my blog. I will post pics from my birthday barbeque.

11:54 am  
Blogger Bella said...

Hi again. I feel horrible. I forgot to mention that it is not only my mom that helps me with typing. My dad, JerJer, also helps me with typing.

So if you were to come to the party, which I get that you won't be, you would meet our whole family. To know us is to love us.



12:16 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bella.. skinks are really important for your backyard.

So please don't post pictures of you hunting them again, you'll only get "lizardboy" or whatever he wants to call himself blogging again.

MC has obviously not heard of et al. Blogs for all sorts of pets. Most of which were started in the USA.

Besides, why do you even care about these two non events?..they obviously don't like cats OR Australia.. no loss to us.

12:38 pm  

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