Okay so my new little sister is pretty cute and all (it must be something in our family genes) but I'm pretty sure that she has some sort of mental deficiency. She doesn't even understand simple rules like
pee in your litter-box and she thinks that picking up two
mousie-poos at a time is allowed. I think that Mommy and
Jerjer agree with me because they didn't even bother getting her a litter-box. They just keep taking her outside and letting her pee like a wild animal. They have even been praising her for managing to pee in the garden rather than right on the bricks where I sun-bathe.
In this
video of me having fun in the sun, I demonstrate the best spot for rolling on the bricks. If this new puppy person had even bothered to do her research and had watched the video then she would know that it is NOT a good place for peeing.
Quinta seems to really like me. Well, she seems to like everything. I don't think she can be trusted. Also, she puts
everything in her mouth. She
displays no caution at all. It is just weird. Here is the photo album with pictures from