The people down the road in number 41 have gone away for a week, and they asked me to house-sit for them.
They also asked me to play with their fish, but the fish didn't like playing with me.
JerJer has taught me how to take care of plants, so I watered them and pulled off the brown leaves. After that I ate the green leaves because I was hungry. I think the people in 41 must have left in a hurry because they forgot to leave out food for me.
I am trying to show mommy and JerJer that I am a responsible kitty, so instead of going home to get food I sent Bello and Charlie to get some for me. Those two aren't as responsible as I am. They didn't come back with anything except bad breath. Charlie also started telling lies about playing games with my mommy and JerJer (which obviously could never have happened).
Mommy and JerJer came and picked me up today, it seems they are having trouble managing without me. Everybody in our street came out to tell me what a good job I'd done taking care of number 41. They all love me. I hope their kitties don't get jealous of me, just because I am prettier and more responsible than they are.
I think I am ready for a nap. I did just work a 46 hour week!