Aunt Stephanie has a new boyfriend. His name is JC and he is totally fun. He brings toys for all of us to play with! Tonight we stacked the turtles on top of mini romote control cars. It was soooooo fun! Elliot is such a big baby. He is scared of the romote control cars! I wasn't scared.
Oh, I forgot to mention, we have two turtles again now that we live with Aunt Stephanie. Aunt Stephanie's turtle and our turtle live together now. Oh, and Elliot likes to try to whack at the turtles too! But everytime we get some good whacking done, we end up barfing later in the day. Our mommies have moved the turtles into a kitty-proof home now. Elliot and I are not allowed to play with the turtles.
Last time JC came over to our house Aunt Stephanie belched really big. JC thought it was so funny! He couldn't stop laughing. I need to remember to belch next time I am trying to impress a cute boy.