Monday, October 10, 2005

Camp Q

Hi. Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I have been at Camp Quarantine. Oh, where should I start! Well, Grandma Linda and I kept going to a lot of vet appointments after mommy moved to Australia. Finally, everyone agreed that Australia would be lucky to have me. I guess Australia is really fussy about making sure that sick kitties don't come into the country. Well, I don't have any sort of weird disease and so I was allowed to move here with Mommy!!

The trip started out just fine. Grandma and Grandpa and I all drove to the airport together. They explained that for safety purposes, I had to stay in my travel box during the flight. What they didn't mention was that I wasn't going to be able to sit with them. I was put in my travel box and then tossed in with all the baggage. It was just AWFUL! I was FREEZING the entire flight. My water spilled all over me during take off and so that just made everything worse. I am serious when I say that from the time I got on the plane until the time I got into my room at Camp Q, it was the worst 24 hours of my whole life!

I really hated Camp Q for the first few days. When I arrived I was in a super bad mood and I hated the cranky weekend staff. The stupid girl who checked me into Camp Q didn't even give me any blankets or towels like all the other kitties have and she told me I was fat. I was FREEZING! I stayed in my little covered bed area for three days. I mean, there was really no point in doing anything else. The litter in my potty was totally weird and so I didn't want to use it. And the food was NOT Iams. I had to choke it down. Oh, and the wind! It took me a LONG time to get used to the wind blowing through my room. There wasn't a wall on one side of my room! It was like a screen but with bigger holes so that flies could get in. When I agreed to go to Camp Q, I certainly didn't think that I would be roughing it like this. I was practically living outdoors!

Finally, after I had been there for a few days, Mommy, Grandma and Grandpa came to visit me. It was such a wonderful surprise! They explained that they would have liked to come see me earlier but that it was against the rules. While Mommy and Grandma and Grandpa were there, I tried to eat some more of that awful food they were feeding me. I also felt comfortable to examine the kitty litter in my sorry little potty box.

After the first few days, I really started enjoying Camp Q. My
handler, Joline, had been away from work during my first few days there. Once she came back to work she gave me blankets and towels. She couldn't believe that no one had given me any blankets!. Joline was sooo nice. She came by every morning with breakfast and then again in the middle of the day for cuddles and to clean out my potty and then again at 4:30 for dinner. I really enjoyed the routine. While my room was a bit cold, it was also cool because it had ladders that went up three levels. It was so nice to lie in the sun on the top level.

Life at camp got even better when Mommy brought me a box! The box was cool because I don't like sitting on the floor. I enjoyed sitting on my box watching everything going on outside my room. Mommy also brought Jeremy to meet me. She explained to me that Jeremy is going to be my daddy and that we are all going to be living together. I liked him right away.

Mommy and Jeremy picked me up from Camp Q yesterday and brought me home. I am happy to be here. I couldn't stop running around all day yesterday!! I missed sleeping next to Mommy at night. For more photos of my time at Camp Q, go to my shutterfly albums:

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