Sometimes I feel like a 'Y'
To pragmatists, the letter Z is nothing more than a phonetically symbolic glyph, a minor sign easily learned, readily assimilated, and occasionally deployed in the course of a literate life. To cynics, Z is just an S with a stick up its butt.
Well, true enough, any word worth repeating is greater than the sum of its parts; and the particular word-part Z-angular, whereas S is curvaceous - can, from a certain perspective, appear anally wired (although Z is far too sophisticated to throw up its arms like Y and act as if it had just been goosed).
I turned 5 and a half a few weeks ago. I have been too busy with packing for our move and with watching The OC to bother blogging. Personally, I am glad that Marissa Cooper finally died last week. Hopefully there will be now be more time for the marvelous characters (Marissa's mom and the precocious and organised Taylor).
Anyway, my mommy photo copied me so that in the future, we can look back at how cute I was at age 5 and a half! Here is my photo copy. My feet are sooo cute.