I am getting really good at catching lizards in my backyard. I carry them inside the house to give to Mommy and JerJer. They are really proud of me but they don't like having lizard tails all over the house so we have a new rule:
No lizards past the dining room. That's the room right by the backyard. Now I just leave the lizard in the dining room and then run to find Mommy and JerJer.

That's pretty sick.
I don't understand. Why is it sick for me, a cat, to catch lizards? I catch moths and spiders too.
Look, I really don't care what your feline does, but why do you find the need to post the pictures? I eat steak but I don't show pictures of dead cows on my blog.
Very proud, my new kitten caught and dismembered it's first lizard yesterday: hopefully I'll get some picks for you :)
also if you'd like some excellent pictures on how to slaughter and butcher cows/pigs etc I'd be happy to oblige, i have a great book on butchering and processing your own meat.
WARNING!! The truly disturbing blog is Matthew's! Yikes!
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