Mi Boca
"Oohh! What cute feet!"

"Oohh, what a funny little belly!"
"Oh, what big, beautiful, expressive blue eyes!"
"Oooohh, she can fetch!"
"Ohh, what cute feet!"
"Oooh, she feels warm and melty."
"Oh, look at her skinny little hiney!"
Currently, the focus has been on my cute little mouth.
I am not complaining. I LOVE attention. I think that maybe I am just in a mood. I kind of miss my old block. Back at our old house I had tons of boyfriends. They all used to visit me and make me feel special. Even after Bruce got stuck in a plastic bag and then refused to ever come inside our house again, I knew he was still my boyfriend. But here, at our new house, I don't have one single boyfriend.
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