Happy Birthday Grandma Linda!

It is my grandma's birthday. I wonder how old she is? I bet she is older than me. My grandma Linda is really nice because she always lets Elliot and Felipe and Stanley and me stay at her house. She tries hard to make sure that we don't die. Grandma Linda is really nice to me even though I sometimes misunderstand her house decorations. So many of her house decorations look like toys to me! Here is a picture of me sitting next to one of my grandma's silk flower bouquets. I have rearranged the sticks and stuff quite a bit since the picture was taken!
This is the poem that I wrote for my grandma:
My grandma is a singer, just like me.
She always watches the door so that I don't flee.
Grandma, I remember when I first met you in Boulder
and when we lived in Redlands, you would screech, "hold her!"
The screeching used to scare me because I was skinny and small.
You were just trying to protect me so that my mommy wouldn't bawl.
I turned to you for my weekly baths when my mommy was away.
You were so sweet to buy me my first claw-sharpening tray!
Thank you for all of the gifts that make me look prettier,
like my first pink necklace and my first red sweater.
I am sorry that I ruined your favourite silk flower bouquet.
I love you and miss you and hope you had a wonderful birthday!
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