I am back from the dentist!

You may have heard some terrible rumours about me getting some cosmetic surgery done. Of course, I emphatically deny any such rumours. However, as with most rumours about celebrities, like myself, this rumour is in part based on fact. I have recently spent time in a hospital and I have had some surgery.
It all started a couple of days ago when I accidentally took some medication that was probably intended for a kitty that wasn't as healthy as I am.
This medication caused me to have some strange and bizarre dreams.
My dreams included me uniting the WBO and WBC kitty-weight titles and driving Mommy's car. Driving on the left-hand side of the road is hard when you aren't used to it!
The dreams were very realistic and one of them may have been true because when I woke up I had blood in my mouth and I was in hospital.
I made lots of new friends in the hospital and I may do charity work there in the future. The people there liked me so much that they insisted I stay for the night. I decided that Mom and Jer-Jer are old enough to be at home by themselves for one night so I stayed with my new friends.
I played some fun games and got to know the people really well, but I am worried that some of the other kitties there may have been taking drugs. Of course I didn't take part in any of THOSE kind of activities!!
My mom and JerJer picked me up from my dentist appointment and I am back at home again. I apparently had 7 teeth along with part of my jaw removed but I still look beautiful, but it is my own natural beauty thank you very much!
Mom says that one of my paws is bigger than the other now, but the only explanation I have for that is maybe I spent too much time working out one side in the gym.

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